My dog ate my hearing aid


Has your dog ever eaten your hearing aid, or hearing aid batteries? It’s more common than you think. Go ahead, search “Dog ate my hearing aid” and see for yourself! Daisy might not realize that what just went into her mouth could pose serious danger, including GI ulcers or being lodged in the esophagus. Not to mention, no more hearing aids! Here are three tips to protect your pets and your hearing aids, and to save yourself from a costly trip to the vet and/or hearing clinic:

Keep your hearing aids where your pet can’t reach them. Store them inside a drawer or cabinet that you can close. If you leave them on your nightstand, make sure you place them in a closed container, so that pets or small children can’t easily get to them.

Get rid of old batteries as soon as you replace them. Since the majority of batteries today don’t contain mercury, you can throw them out in the garbage without worrying about any health or environmental risks, but they’re still dangerous if swallowed. To be sure your batteries are mercury-free, check the packaging. If it doesn’t say “mercury-free” don’t toss in the garbage, recycle. Never dispose of batteries in fire because they could explode. Some places offer battery recycling, but it varies by state. Contact your local government for disposal centers in your area, or do a search online.

Monitor your pet if you suspect it swallowed hearing aids or batteries. You might not notice any signs for up to 12 hours. Watch out for these symptoms: either a whitish-gray (from dead skin) or red and raw tongue, vomiting or drooling more than normal, whimpering or more quiet than normal or won’t eat. If so, take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.

Need new hearing aids? Call 800.550.5399 to get connected with a clinic near you.

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